Nov 29, 2018
This week, I sat down with Dr. Richard Engler, our Director of Chemistry, to discuss Confidential Business Information (CBI). CBI is both a term of art under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and can be understood broadly to be anything from trade secrets to you know, the secret sauce of a chemical formulation...
Nov 15, 2018
This week, I sat down with Michael Wenk, one of our senior regulatory consultants, to discuss his new book Chemical Regulation in the Middle East. Michael’s book focuses on eight countries in the Middle East that have a combination of well developed and emerging chemical regulatory schemes. His book provides...
Nov 1, 2018
This week, I got to have a roundtable discussion with several of my colleagues about a Strategic Research Plan released by the EPA earlier this summer, outlining their approach to reduce and replace “vertebrate” testing. What we’re really talking about, of course, is animal testing. In keeping with the...